Councils and their work

Open commentary has become much easier through social media. I had not paid much attention to criticism of our District, Town and County activities before standing for election – Council activities largely passed me by. Yet, over the last two years I’ve been able to meet many staff (traditionally, termed Officers), have seen them at work, and received help for residents, presentations, paperwork, and training.

Officers are members of our society. They live amongst us, use the same services we do, pay the same Council Tax, and likely hold opinions about their colleagues and Councillors. Many enjoy their work and are pleased they can make positive contributions to society. I have come to know them as interested in their work, interested in the role of public service, hard working, of wide knowledge and experience, and tight-lipped on the comments from members of the public and elected Councillors.

There is no great conspiracy to work inefficiently, or to spend residents’ Council Taxes without due concern. Comments or even attacks by residents through social media would be better phrased as questions to their Councillors on why the Council works with any particular approach or outcome. Indeed, Elected Members (the Councillors) set policies and the Officers implement them – so any complaints should be directed at Councillors (I’m on and we can either answer, find out an answer, or liaise with others to solve a problem. If we don’t respond to you, you can elect someone else after four years.
