Litter, flowers

The litter along the A38 is really bad at the moment but it’s not something one can do anything about. The section with an adjacent footpath, Lee Mill to Ivybridge, is pretty clear, so some kind people have been tidying up there.

It’s been interesting to pick up litter as I take my walks. Interesting, annoying, off putting, overwhelming at the amount there is. Yet interesting because when you say to people what you’re doing (Facebook, Twitter, Next Door), it turns out other people are clearing litter too. The photographs are not very pretty; there’s really no sign you’ve been there because it’s now just a car park, not an untidy car park. Yet there are tens of people in Ivybridge and the surrounding area picking up litter.

Nicer still, I met Mr and Mrs Christophers at the Railway Station Car Park the other day. They walk their dogs and they plant flowers. How nice is that! Note to self: take pictures of the flowers not just record bags of litter.

Litter, litter everywhere

Seems like I have a new hobby and it’s keeping me on the streets. I had a very belated introduction to the work of Tim Poate (Plastic Free Ivybridge) who has been arranging litter picks along the Erme for some time. Eventually, I joined in on the September 2020 collection.

I had been following some ‘Rubbish Friends’ in East Anglia who do litter picks. It was time to do my own.

The sad thing is, how much is there. I only utilise my short walks with my wife but the amount just at the railway station would take half a dozen people a good hour. It would also need the grippy ‘litter pickers’ (available for free from South Hams District Council). Currently I just use the ‘other side’ of the plastic bag I’m using as a receptacle. It does mean I’m a little choosy about what I recover, though there’s plenty of ‘bigger’ stuff such as bottles and (twice) one trainer!

Well, I can say I’ve added bending down to my walks – must be doing me good. Also good to see others litter picking: a man and his daughter on the Lucerne Fields estate.