Parking payments over the phone

The convenience fee charged across South Hams car parks when purchasing parking tickets through the RingGo app has been removed. This  brings charges in line with tickets purchased at the meters.

The use of the RingGo app through the COVID-19 pandemic has allowed the public to pay for parking without needing to use a Pay and Display machine.  Thereby eliminating the need to encounter multiple touchpoints and interact with others when standing in queues. 

Cllr Keith Baldry, Executive Member for Environment at South Hams District Council, said: “In the current climate, paying touch-free has become increasingly important. Since most people carry a smart phone these days, paying through the RingGo app is very convenient for consumers and this is shown through the increase in payments via the app this summer. 

“It means that drivers no longer need to queue or handle cash to pay for their parking. During the pandemic, touch-free parking is even more important as it reduces the risk of transferring the virus.”

Black Lives Matter

The never-ending discrimination in the USA was brought into the headlines recently by the death on camera of a US citizen under the knee of a Police Officer surrounded by others from his force who did not save the victim.

The consequential demonstrations in this country illustrate

. the parallels felt by BAME and other minority groups about the unfair treatment of individuals by a majority, and

. the blithe ignorance and indifference of the majority community to the everyday lives of others.

What can be done? What can be done in the South Hams? Is it relevant to us? @chev_oaks grew up in Cornwall and Tweets about her experiences then and now. I have seen examples of people seeking out black-run businesses, where such a positive action might make up for some of the losses suffered through ignorance or racism. I am seeking out relevant reading to broaden my understanding and for that, here’s a short US list (which I cannot comment upon as I have not yet read them):

. White Fragility, Robin Diangelo

. Dying of Whiteness, Jonathan M Metzl

. Lies my Teacher Told Me, James W Loewen

. Why are all the Black Kids sitting Together in the Cafeteria, Beverly Doniel Totum

I have been contacted by a resident in Ivybridge asking what can be done. If we do nothing, not even educate ourselves about our fellow citizens lives, we are failing severely. Do you have recommendations of BAME-run businesses to support in the South Hams or Devon? Do you know of introductory books which address British society? What can we do at a wider level, for example, to reduce our support to external police forces or the arms trade? I have ordered and have started to read,

“Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race”, Reni Eddo-Lodge, published by Bloomsbury.

I have another book ready to go, “Natives” Akala, 2019, published by Two Roads.

I am following @chev_oaks on Twitter.

I have a long way to go to be able to speak & write appropriately, and the South Hams could probably do better. I will try to improve my personal interactions.

28/06/2020 The email through this website may not be reliable but you can get to me via

South Hams support

The Covid19 Welfare Support Fund can provide small emergency payments to help with basic essentials such as food, household essentials, electricity and gas, etc. to help people in financial difficulties if:

  • They run their own business, and cannot currently trade, or their business has been drastically reduced because of the pandemic.
  • Their employment situation has changed and their income now no longer covers needs.
  • They have lost their job due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
  • They have still not received expected government funding (i.e self-employed).

These will be small one-off payments (majority likely to be under £30)

Applicants will need to complete an application form by following the links and